Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pray...Don't Worry!

After sitting since Tuesday afternoon, we will finally be loading tomorrow morning going to Fort Worth, TX. Unfortunately, we will be tarping AGAIN...uggghhh!!! As much as we dislike tarping it will be worth it just to get moving again. If LC isn't rolling, the money isn't rolling in! The only nice thing about sitting is that I get to sleep late...except for yesterday. Carl decided that he didn't like where we were parked and wanted to move. He was trying to drink his coffee and have his quiet time outside on the trailer but the truck beside us was soooo loud he couldn't enjoy his morning. It sounded like a pressure washer coming on and off ...a generator on and his motor kept squeaking. It was awful!!!! So anyway, Carl decided to move...NOT once but 3 times! He would see an open spot that looked good and off he would go but before he could get there another truck would get it. So he would ride around and around and around the parking lot then park and wait for another one to come open...then off he would go.  He did this 3 times...3 times around and around and around and parking. He finally found one that suited him and it has been our home ever since. I know the other drivers thought we were crazy. Finding the perfect spot is such an ordeal for us.

The other day when we were at Walmart we bought a set of hair clippers. Carl was in desperate need of a hair cut and just did not want to spend $20 on one. So today we let our true colors shine...Carl got a hair cut...outside in the truck stop parking lot. Yes, we had it going on!! Gotta keep my man happy...even if that means being a little rednecky.

One of my biggest enemies is worry. Like I said earlier when we are not working, we are not making any money and that leads to...worry. It is something that I am constantly praying about. I know the LORD will take care of us and will meet our needs but I like for things to happen quickly which isn't always the case.  If I am worrying then my faith and trust is not in the LORD. The LORD sees the whole picture and his timing is always perfect. Worrying strangles our happiness, joy and peace. It is amazing how much peace and joy I have after turning everything over to Him. He is standing there with his arms WIDE OPEN just waiting for me to say "Here LORD, it is in Your hands not mine!"  Matthew 6:34 says "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." This is one of my favorite verses that I am constantly saying to myself.  I just need to work on saying it first and not after I have worried myself to death. I know the LORD is just standing there saying "One day my dear you will learn...first not last is best!
Turn your worries over to him today! He is waiting!!!!

'Till we meet again!

Only by Grace,

Our view as we were taking our walk tonight.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hears and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

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