Friday, November 9, 2012


I just have to share how amazing our LORD and Savior is and how He has been working in our lives the past month.....I am about to explode with excitement!

Blessing 1....What was supposed to be a 4 week run back and forth from Pensacola to Minnesota turned into a 7 week run. That meant a steady paycheck every week for 7 weeks and not having to look for loads for 7 weeks. Extra money is always a good long as God receives His part!

Blessing 2....Before we even got to Minnesota Friday with our last load our travel agent (a.k.a. dispatcher) already had us another load to pick up on Monday. Now, we had been looking on the load board for several days and there was nothing for us to get. So when he called, we knew it was the LORD working.

Blessing 3....When we finally got to the job site Friday morning in Minnesota we could not believe our eyes. Trucks, trucks and more trucks everywhere. It had been raining since Wednesday morning so there were 2 days worth of trucks ahead of us waiting to get unloaded.....about 27 trucks. Now remember, the job site is in the middle of a corn field which was now a very muddy, boggy mess. It takes at least 45 minutes to an hour to unload each truck but that couldn't happen until the rain stopped and the sun came out and dried up all the rain. I know...I are thinking how in the world is this a blessing. Just hang with me. Our unload appointment was for Friday at 11:00 a.m. That obviously did not happen...which meant...detention time...which meant...A LOT of extra money for us. The longer we sat the more money we made. Once again, I know what you are probably thinking. "How could you sit in the middle of a corn field for days?"  I had food, water, a shower, a toilet, a bed, a tv, some much needed rest time, and some much needed Bible Study time and My love....what more could a girl ask for? We got unloaded late Sunday afternoon and we made it to our Monday morning load appointment on time.  Good looking detention time check + load out of Minnesota = Blessing #3!

I forgot to mention that during all this time we were also trying to plan how we were going to get home to vote. While we were trying to come up with a plan God already had one. 

Blessing 4....We loaded Monday morning and unloaded Thursday afternoon in Laredo, TX. We were not able to find a load  home so Friday afternoon we just deadheaded home. Once again you may be wondering how is this a blessing. Well, here it is....our last Pensacola/Minnesota load paid us more than we expected which gave us some extra money so we could deadhead home. We got home in time for Sunday lunch with  our  family and with some of our church family plus we were home to vote. That my friends is Blessing #4!

Since Carl had not been home in so long he wanted to stay home for a week. So Monday, Oct.29 he told his dispatcher to take him off the board and not to call until the next week.

Blessing 5....Sunday night, November 4 was the first night of our 4 night fall revival and we were home to attend. We had planned to go back on the road Monday morning but that soon changed. On the way home from church Sunday night, Carl and I started talking about our plans. We felt like we needed to stay home so we could go to revival and just leave out Thursday. We knew that God would take care of us and take care of our needs. That is exactly what He did. Normally our travel agent would have been calling first thing Monday morning to see if we were ready to go back out but we did not hear one word from him....until....Wednesday morning with a load for Thursday going to Houston, TX. I get chills just thinking about how Jesus Christ had every thing perfectly planned out for us.

Blessing 6....My wonderful husband/boss told me if I wanted to stay home that it would be okay with him. He knew I wanted to go to the Titus 2 supper Thursday night. This is a wonderful ministry that some of our awesome church ladies have started. He also knew that I wanted to go to our Girl's Day Out with my mama and sisters Saturday. He started off by saying," I was just wait and let me finish. If you want to stay home I am fine with that. I am not a mean boss!" Whenever he starts a sentence with "I was thinking" I am always like "Oh my, what is he up to!" Titus 2 supper + Girl's Day + super amazing husband = Blessing #6.

Friday afternoon Carl called and said, "I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first the good or the bad?" I just sat there a minute and finally said, "Give me the bad."  "The bad is, I don't know what it pays but the good news is I got a load coming right back to the house. I will load in Beaumont, TX Wednesday and will unload Friday at the house! Do you think the LORD is working or what!!" I just started crying and said, "Yes, I do believe He is!"  So there we have Blessing #7...load right back home and the whole week home for Thanksgiving....just what we had been praying for.

On each and every occasion we both said we were not going to worry about anything. The LORD knows what we need and He will make sure our needs and yes...even some of our wants are met.

There is NOOOO way we could have planned all this to work out so perfectly. It was all the workings of OUR gracious, peace-loving and gentle LORD and Savior.

Give thanks to the LORD for He is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 118:29
 I pray each and every one of you have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

Til we meet again!
Only By Grace!

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