Thursday, May 31, 2012

Prayers answered

Before I get started, I want to thank my awesome God for answered prayers. He may not always answer them the way I want or in the time frame that I want but he does answer. He always knows what is best for me.....for all of us! 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 says..Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. What a blessing it is to have a LIVING God who I can talk to one on one anytime..any place.

Now, let me update you about our latest adventures. We got unloaded Tuesday morning in Forth Worth, TX. We are suppose to be leaving Saturday to go on vacation with our family, so we prayed for a load going toward the house. Carl decided to sit it out in Dallas...a central location....while we waited. Tuesday night about 10:00 we were sitting there watching tv when we saw a pickup wheel up in front of us and stop and then another and another. At first we thought it was somebody trying to sell something...somebody is always trying to sell something at a truck stop. But when the 7th vehicle stopped we knew something was up....Carl was like "Man what is going on here!" I got up and rushed to the front of the truck...nosy me...I wanted to see too. There were at least 9 undercover US Marshal agents with bullet proof vests and guns...Oh My Goodness the guns....big, little, short, long, they had it.  We were like "somebody's about to have a really bad day!" They arrested a driver in a truck right across from us. I kinda felt bad for the poor fella but if he committed a crime then he needs to do the time. He was driving a "Bed Bugger" (a moving van). I just cracked up when Carl told me the CB slang. Those house owners sure are going to be upset when they get a phone call telling them their furniture will not be arriving on time because the driver is in jail. My mother is probably having a fit right about now after reading this. She is already worried to death about me staying at truck stops.

The last time we were in Texas we were entertained by the Border Patrol in Laredo. An illegal immigrant had managed to cross the boarder and was hiding out in the truck stop around all the trucks. They had choppers flying over us and cars riding all around the parking lot. They never did catch the guy but it sure wasn't from a lack of trying. I told Carl we may have to stop staying in Texas. But then is quite entertaining.

When we got up Wednesday morning we were anxious to see if the "Bed Bugger" was still there....yep...someone still has no furniture. We called all our family about noon and told them we were heading home and we would see them Thursday afternoon. Guess we will never know the rest of  the story with the moving truck. On the way home I kept looking on the load board for us a load but nothing ever showed up while we were in Texas. After we crossed over into Louisiana I decided to look one more time, I should have been looking in Louisiana but for some reason my finger hit Texas...and about 88 miles from us in Texarkana, TX was a load going to Valdosta, GA....God had my finger and he pressed Texas....He is always in control. Just one we had to call everybody and tell them it would be Friday before we got home....sure wish God would have called everybody. Carl said I took the wimpy way out...I texted Mama so she would have to tell daddy and made Carl call Timothy and the others. Sorry, guess I did...oh how I did not want to hear my mama's voice or lack there of when I said "Mama, I'm not coming home." Hearing it with the text was bad enough and the expression on her face...didn't have to be home to see that! But all is good...haven't been disowned...yet!!!

Oh, I almost forgot....Carl surprised me with a Hershey bar Wednesday afternoon.  As he was holding the candy bar and pointing it at me, he said.."I am going to give you one more chance but if you make a mess that's it. I was one happy little girl and no...I did NOT make a mess.

We did get loaded this morning and are headed home ...if we make it across these Louisiana roads. Oh my goodness they are soooo rough. My neck and back are being yanked and jerked all over the place. I told Carl I was going to fall in the floor and yell whiplash...then I could go to the doctor and file for disability. He just laughed and was like yeah right!

Friday afternoon will be home sweet home and Saturday we will be on the road again; but this time it's vacation time....Yee Haw!!!

'Til we meet again....will be a few weeks!!

Only by Grace,

Our ticket answered prayer!!!

Military Mine Resistant Vehicle

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.
Psalm 27:14